Saturday, August 14, 2010

Refused - Songs To Fan The Flames Of Discontent

Refused's 2nd album. Pretty rockin' and a far departure from their first, This Just Might Be The Truth. The song structures, timing, and rapid fire delivery of brutality and riffs set the stage for a sound that redefined Swedish hardcore for their their third release, The Shape Of Punk To Come (a masterpiece, btw). Definitely a must.


And just fer the hell of it, here's their first record. Their sound isn't as developed as their successors, and it's much more "hardcore" than their later releases, but it's a treat nonetheless.


1 comment:

  1. Hey dude, just dropping in to say hi after seeing your comment on my OFFENDERS post at IC. You've got a great blog here, plenty of good shit. Grief, Flag, Saviours - right up my alley. Check out my other blog too if you feel like it:

    later - Aylmer
